Our Services

At Affluent legacy our primary focus is to help simplify your financial world. Our process integrates many specialized disciplines, including those described below.

All advice and specific recommendations are based on clients’ Life Goals, and designed to optimize client outcomes. This often requires intelligent collaboration with other professionals, such as Lawyers and Accountants.The net results for clients include better organization and structure of financial matters, lower stress and peace of mind

It’s about your dreams, your family, and your family’s financial future. It’s about helping you realize your goals and achieving all that’s important to you in life. You have already established a substantial net worth. You want to protect it and manage it wisely. You want to protect yourself from unnecessary taxes, catastrophic illness, and asset loss due to healthcare costs and from a future market collapse due to political, economical and global instability that is beyond your control. You need someone to help you protect your family’s legacy through all of life’s transitions.

Some of the ways Affluent Wealth Management group differs from other firms:

  1. Our extensive menu of services.
  2. Our review meetings with clients allow us to your specific plans and discuss your personal situation.
  3. Our strong and consistent calendar of high quality newsletter, webcasts, financial updates, media announcements, and other articles.
  4. Our annual schedule of client educational and appreciation events.
  5. Our personal service that features our best and most current idea, suggestions and solutions.

We offer the latest tools and techniques to handle the three significant challenges of reducing income taxes, minimizing estate taxes, and providing asset protection. Our focus is to give our client’s peace of mind and a stream of predictable and secure income that can be funded using qualified and non-qualified plans with customized annuity and life insurance products that are geared to the individual clients needs. This process allows entrepreneurs to focus of what they do best – achieve their highest level of satisfaction.

At AWM, we believe that we are one of the best firms in the area that offers customized financial services with personalized attention and care.